Travel, Cooking, Doing, Eating and Drinking (that about covers it)

Tag: lamb

Slow Cooked Lamb and Potatoes

Slow Cooked Lamb and Potatoes

Apologies for the delay in posting, we were hiking Machu Picchu! Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. The problem? You’re too busy to plan anything. The solution for those days-that-are-so-busy-you-don’t-know-if-you’re-coming-or-going? For days like that, it’s great to have this Slow Cooked Lamb and Potato recipe in your […]

Fresh Mint Herb Sauce

Fresh Mint Herb Sauce

Wintertime and the weather is dreary. Streets are slushy and it’s cold and it’s grey. You’re seeking some colour, not just during the day. (Okay, apologies to George and Ira Gershwin.) But you get the point. I’m sick of winter and would love to see […]

Moroccan Lamb with Black Bean Mango Salad

Moroccan Lamb with Black Bean Mango Salad

Slow-cooked, braised lamb with Moroccan spices – is your mouth watering yet? What if I told you that this dish takes five minutes of prep time, cooks while you work, and gives you leftovers for lunches? I know, WOW! I’m not a big New Year’s […]

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