Travel, Cooking, Doing, Eating and Drinking (that about covers it)

Tag: adult dessert

Dynamite Chocolate Orange Affogato

Dynamite Chocolate Orange Affogato

HAPPY LABOUR DAY EVERYONE!  While Labour Day isn’t the official end of summer, it sure feels like it. Kids go back to school tomorrow, so I’m sure that there are a lot of parents who are going to be facing tomorrow with either dread or […]

I Scream You Scream – part 2

I Scream You Scream – part 2

If you tuned into last Monday’s blog post, you learned about Robert McCay Green and his invention of the ice cream soda back in 1874. (If you didn’t, it’s not too late to go back and read it!) Tomorrow is the day to celebrate his creation. That’s […]

Oh (M.G. Boozy) Fudge!

Oh (M.G. Boozy) Fudge!

What is better than tomorrow being a Friday? Tomorrow is also National Fudge Day! Yet another day that, although you still have to go to work, you have a reason to celebrate! The first-documented mention of fudge was in a letter written in 1886 by […]

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