Travel, Cooking, Doing, Eating and Drinking (that about covers it)

Tag: chocolate chips

Banana Chocolate Redemption Muffins

Banana Chocolate Redemption Muffins

Today, February 20, is Louis Riel Day, which is a holiday in Manitoba. If you live in Ontario, Alberta or Saskatchewan, you have today off to celebrate Family Day. Today in Price Edward Island, you get to sleep in as it is Islander Day. Americans […]

Christmas for New Year’s

Christmas for New Year’s

So you decided that this year you’re having a New Year’s Eve dinner party and you need a dessert. But you’re not really a baker. And you work and/or have children. And you don’t have a lot of time. Christmas to the rescue! Now before […]

Amazing Mousse

Amazing Mousse

I’ll let you in on a secret. I’m not a big dessert or chocolate person. I mean if you order dessert, I’ll have a bite, or maybe two, but on the whole, I can eat dinner and pass on dessert. (That being said, I never […]

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