Travel, Cooking, Doing, Eating and Drinking (that about covers it)

Tag: lobster

Cayman Islands Calypso Grill

Cayman Islands Calypso Grill

Everyone has those days when they are not overly crazy about their job. You know, the “winning Lotto Max” fantasy; or when you curse your parents for not setting you up with a trust fund. Lucky for me, those days are few. I’m a truly […]

A Meal Fit For a King – Relais Louis XIII

A Meal Fit For a King – Relais Louis XIII

What a way to start the Lupercalia weekend! We arrive, slightly late due to Parisian traffic, at the restaurant. While the side street may have been a little difficult to find, the corner building has “Relais Louis XIII” in bright lights above the entrance. The […]

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