Travel, Cooking, Doing, Eating and Drinking (that about covers it)

Tag: margarita

Dog Days Cocktails

Dog Days Cocktails

Oh, we are now right in the middle of the dog days of summer! I’ve heard that expression forever, but what exactly does it mean? While many people may think it has to do with the weather being so hot that: dogs just lie there […]

Cocktailing San Francisco

Cocktailing San Francisco

Cocktailing San Francisco or how to spend an afternoon in San Francisco’s Mission area. Due to the power of social media, and Instagram, I’m lucky to have virtually met people in various parts of the world. On a recent trip to San Francisco, I reached […]

(No) Labour Day Cocktails

(No) Labour Day Cocktails

Hard to believe that we’ll be saying goodbye to summer and hello to back-to-school! Summer seems to have gone by quicker than usual! Here’s hoping for a nice long Indian summer with warm days and mild nights. This is the last long weekend of the […]

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