Travel, Cooking, Doing, Eating and Drinking (that about covers it)

Tag: red lentils

(Vegan) Mexican Bowls

(Vegan) Mexican Bowls

Do your weekend plans include margaritas and Mexican? If they don’t, they should! This Sunday, May 5 is Cinco de Mayo! Cinco de Mayo is a Mexican holiday commemorating the victory by the Mexican Army at the Battle of Puebla in 1862. For many worldwide, […]

Instant Pot Lentil Sloppy Joes

Instant Pot Lentil Sloppy Joes

Sloppy Joes are a childhood memory and a comfort food. They’re easy to make and would feed a family fairly inexpensively. Who doesn’t remember that saucy meat spilling over the soft bun with that tomatoey slightly-tangy taste? YUM!!! I love a good Sloppy Joe no matter what […]

Curried Cauliflower Lentil Coconut Soup

Curried Cauliflower Lentil Coconut Soup

Someone rather perversely reminded me the other day that bathing suit season is coming. Ugh. Already? While the weather outside is not beach-like, I guess that it will seem like an instant before warm weather and being outdoors will be here. For the warm weather, I […]

Red Lentil Ragu

Red Lentil Ragu

Happy New Year! Welcome, 2017! Hello from post number 100! After the holiday season of non-stop eating and drinking, I’m sure that I’m not alone in wanting to put some lighter-calorie meals on the menu! Italians are extremely passionate about their food. It’s one of the […]

Middle Eastern Pre-Dinner Dips

Middle Eastern Pre-Dinner Dips

With the holiday season upon us, the next few weeks of posts are going to be related to things that can help make your holidays a bit easier. The may be recipes that you can pull together in a hurry, cocktails for some festive cheer […]

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