Travel, Cooking, Doing, Eating and Drinking (that about covers it)

Tag: sweet tooth

Nanaimo Bars

Nanaimo Bars

The Nanaimo Bar is a classic Canadian no-bake dessert named after Nanaimo, British Columbia. It first appeared in 1953 in a cookbook recipe by Edith Adams. This sweet treat is considered Canada’s own and part of our culinary heritage! Upon further investigation, however, it appears […]

Oh (M.G. Boozy) Fudge!

Oh (M.G. Boozy) Fudge!

What is better than tomorrow being a Friday? Tomorrow is also National Fudge Day! Yet another day that, although you still have to go to work, you have a reason to celebrate! The first-documented mention of fudge was in a letter written in 1886 by […]

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