Travel, Cooking, Doing, Eating and Drinking (that about covers it)

Tag: tart

Il Buco – Sorrento, Italy

Il Buco – Sorrento, Italy

On a recent swing through the Amalfi area, in the Campania region, we spent a few days in Sorrento. The sun was shining, the water was hypnotically beautiful, and our hotel, The Bellevue Syrene, was stunning. To cap it off, we went to the fabulous […]

Lebanese Coleslaw

Lebanese Coleslaw

Happy Fourth of July, American friends! We are finally in the hot days of summer! Yippee! After this what-took-you-so-long-to-leave winter, I am enjoying the sunshine and warm weather (and I am not complaining that this weekend was more than a little warm!!). Warmer weather means more […]

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