Travel, Cooking, Doing, Eating and Drinking (that about covers it)

Tag: Tuscany

All’s Fair in Love (and Antiques)

All’s Fair in Love (and Antiques)

If I’m in Italy at the right time, this is one of my favourite things to do there. The Arezzo Antique Fair is held the first Sunday of every month and the Saturday that precedes it. It is not the first Saturday and Sunday of […]

Palio dei Somari!

Palio dei Somari!

Most people have heard of Il Palio, the extremely famous horse race which is held in Siena every year on July 2 and August 16. Very few people of heard of Il Palio dei Somari, held every year in Torrita di Siena. Il Palio dei […]

What a Fiasco!

What a Fiasco!

The other day while I was walking Miss Corona, I passed by a local Italian pizza restaurant. The place was decorated like a 1950s Italian restaurant. Each table was topped with a red and white checkered tablecloth and a straw-bottomed wine bottle with a candle in it. Very […]

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