Travel, Cooking, Doing, Eating and Drinking (that about covers it)

Tag: where to eat

Grillmarkadurinn, Reykjavik, Iceland

Grillmarkadurinn, Reykjavik, Iceland

On our recent trip to Iceland, we were awed and amazed by the natural beauty of the island. Everywhere you turn, there are gorgeous vistas, mountains, water (and waterfalls) and the ruggedness of a volcanic island. After a day touring around the Golden Circle and […]

Progressive Passionate Plates (Gaggan)

Progressive Passionate Plates (Gaggan)

Yesterday, April 5, was one of the most anticipated days of the year for food lovers. The Pellegrino Top 50 World Restaurant list was released! A big congratulations to Gaggan Anand for his #7 worldwide ranking, not to mention an impressive third year at the top […]

Cayman Islands Calypso Grill

Cayman Islands Calypso Grill

Everyone has those days when they are not overly crazy about their job. You know, the “winning Lotto Max” fantasy; or when you curse your parents for not setting you up with a trust fund. Lucky for me, those days are few. I’m a truly […]

Dinner That Makes You Sing (Trattoria Antica Boheme, Rome)

Dinner That Makes You Sing (Trattoria Antica Boheme, Rome)

Opera season in Toronto starts this month. My sister, Deinah, and I have Canadian Opera Company season tickets. We have gone for the last few years and enjoy the music, the singing and a night out together. The first opera I ever saw was in […]

Cena all’Osteria dal Capo (Padova)

Cena all’Osteria dal Capo (Padova)

On a recent road trip to the Veneto region of Italy, Pete and I decided to spend a few days in a city neither of us had been to before: Padova, or as English speakers call it, Padua. Padova claims to be the oldest city […]

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